Lamentations 3:21-24

" But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The LORD is my portion' says my soul. 'Therefore, I will hope in him.'" Lamentations 3:21-24

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pride and Popsicles

Popsicles are a rare treat in our house.  I don't know why, but I seldom buy them.  So, you can imagine the joy that filled the air when Daddy came home from school today baring the gift of popsicles...Super Hero popsicles at that!! We managed to pull the box from little hands and put them into the freezer as dessert after dinner.

On any given night, Abby is our "good eater". She will eat most anything once you get her to stop talking long enough to focus on her food...especially if there's a promise of dessert.  Caedmon is the "picky one". There's only a handful of foods currently that will be allowed to pass his lips.  Among his favorites: mini pepperoni, frozen peas and corn, and sausage. But almost always, a reward of dessert will peak his interest enough to at least eat half of his food. 

But not tonight. For whatever reason, Caedmon refused to eat anything from his plate except tortilla chips. We made the statement that he'd get no popsicle unless he at least tried his food. And you know how it is once you make a stupid statement like that to your kids.  There's no going back. There's no room for any compromise. Now, before we are condemned of asking too much of our 22 month old, let me assure you that he understands what "just one bite" means.  We've been down this road before.  And so, he sat with his head on the table watching Sissy happily eat her popsicle.

Now the problem is, I really wanted him to have the treat!  I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he'd enjoy a popsicle (especially a Super Hero popsicle!). I wanted to see his little eyes dancing as he slurped and dripped gooey goodness on a stick.  But I also know that he needs nutrious food.  I realize, as his mom, that without the not-so- fun healthy foods, he'd soon feel...well...not so fun.  It was so frustrating for me, as the parent, because I wanted to share this amazing joyful experience with him.  But he refused at every level to do the one thing I asked him to do.  And it frustrated me, still, because I didn't even ask much of him. I only asked him to take one bite!  One bite and he would have soon found himself dripping with sugary pleasure!  Such a simple little requirement. But he would not trust me. Instead he followed his own pride and went to bed without a popsicle.

As I was putting him to bed, it dawned on me.  It was as if my heart were holding up a mirror and saying "Do you recognize this?  You are stubborn and prideful too".  There are many examples in my own life when I have dug in my heels and refused to make small steps that would lead to something amazing...just because of my pride. Times when I know saying sorry would quickly heal a wound...yet I refuse because I want to be right. Times when I'm too headstrong to admit that my way is not working and that another's idea makes much more sense. Times when I hold on to my self-justification simply because I love self.

Tonight may have just been one of those evenings where "kids will be kids."  But the Holy Spirit used it to magnify some areas in my own life that need humility and trust...especially because I have little eyes that are watching me and following my example.

Dear Lord,
Help me to be humble and promptly follow Your lead.
Help me to trust You, even when the way doesn't make sense.
I want to walk in Your ways simply because I delight in You.
Teach me to trust more deeply,
And in so doing, may my children learn to follow too.


  1. This could be the title of ur 1st book.... I love it!

  2. I love it, Kristen! We're going to write it together, right? :)


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