Lamentations 3:21-24

" But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The LORD is my portion' says my soul. 'Therefore, I will hope in him.'" Lamentations 3:21-24

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Desiree!

Today is my best friend's birthday! She is now, officially, only 1 year younger than me!  In honor of the birthday girl, today's post is about Desiree Gentala, my bestie!

One of the funny things about our friendship is that we both have bad memories, maybe that's why we've been friends for so long! In preparation of writing this blog, I had to actually brainstorm with Des about the details of how our friendship began.

Way back in 2004, our husbands were in seminary together. They became fast friends and so naturally wanted to introduce the wives into the friendship. My first meeting of Des took place outside the Gentala apartment, which happened to be in the same neighborhood as ours, literally 2-3 minutes away from each other. We headed to the annual Liberty University Block Party, and spent the evening enjoying  a lot of great laughs and lively conversation. I loved hearing Des and Luke's stories about going to school at LU, their friends and memories and how they met. I felt sure that this was the beginning of a great friendship.

The four of us went to a play at LU together (though none of us can remember the name of the play!).We had them to our apartment for dinner and talked late into the night. Likewise, they had us over to their place.  Such lovely times.

And then it happened.  We played the game that nearly ended our budding friendship. Luke and Des love board games.  Neither PJ nor I grew up playing a lot of games, but we thought it would be fun.  Des pulled down the game "Don't Make Me Laugh", explaining that the point of the game is for one team to try to make the other team laugh.  READ:  If you want to win, you don't want to laugh.   READ: Terrible game when you are just getting to know each other because no one (especially people-pleasers like me and my beloved bestie) wants to make the other person feel bad and not laugh at their jokes. READ: awkward. Soooo....long story short.  PJ and I lost, by a landslide. (But I'll let PJ explain to you why we lost).

And that was the end.  Life got busy.  All 4 of us were working and/or in grad school.  We lost contact with our new BFF neighbors.  I wondered if it was because of the game.  Des wondered if I just didn't like them.  We never talked about it again.  In fact, we rarely even saw each other.

Then about 2 years later, we ran into the Gentalas at Wal-Mart.  I was pregnant with Abby and Des remembers that I was buying Activia yogurt. It was a slightly awkward scenario, but so very pleasant.  I walked away wishing that we could revive our friendship because I really liked Desiree.

Annnnd...from there, Neither Des nor I have any recollection of what happened next. We moved to a new apartment when Abby was 11 months old and some how Des and I reconnected and became instant friends again.

I loved those days.  We took an online class together and we hung out every week drinking coffee, making food, sharing and growing.   And we have been best friends ever since.  We have now added 4 kids to the mix for our almost weekly get-togethers, so it is often difficult to focus on conversation with all the interruptions, but it has been such a joy to watch our kids grow to love one another as well!

In honor of Desiree Gentala, and our 9-ish years of friendship, here are 9 things about her for which I'm thankful:

1. She is crazy-funny!  I love her stories.  She can always find the humor in situations and make me laugh. Even if we both have to write down the event on post-it notes just to remember the funny details, it's always delightful! (And yes, we have each brought post-it notes, full of information to talk about,  to our weekly coffee dates...which reminds me, I need to buy more post-its!)

2. Des is fashionable!  She is my guide in fashion. I jumped off the fashion train somewhere in the early 2000's and then hit the brutal rocks of motherhood and t-shirts.  Des keeps me up-to-date with what looks nice from scarves and shoes to hair and accessories.  She is definitely, my go-to person when I need fashion help!

3. She is genuine. I love this about her!  Des knows herself well and she seeks to know others well.  She doesn't hide the fact that she has struggles in her life.  Rather she uses those struggles to reach a common ground with other people.  She is amazingly good at conversation because she makes other people feel so comfortable and important to her.

4. She is a pray-er.  She prays for people.  I know for a fact that she prays as she walks each day.  If she says that she is going to pray for you, you can count on the fact that she will. She is one of only a handful of people that I can text and say "Please pray" and I KNOW that she will!

5. I am completely convinced of this one.  I have never met someone as giving as Desiree.  This girl seeks out opportunities to serve others, it's almost like breathing for her.  From meal trains to late night runs to Wal-Mart to buy cosmetics for a strange (and sometimes vain) best friend, Des is always willing to help someone in need.

6. Des is healthy! She strives daily to honor God with her body.  She eats well and exercises well.  She is doing it right and it inspires me to take better care of my body.  Des has come a long way in this journey and I'm so very proud of her for it! 

7. She is an amazing wife and mommy.  I've watched her interact with her beautiful daughter and I'll tell you this: Des is consistent!  I have a lot to learn from her in this department!  She is doing an amazing job with Maddie!  And she loves her husband.  She strives to honor him with her words as much in private with a close friend as she would in public.  Luke, know that Des has your back through thick and thin!

8. She loves coffee as much as I do.  If you know me, you know this is important. And she knows my cream to sugar to coffee ratio. 

9. Des has a brilliant British accent which makes sophisticated events much more fun!  And with the accent, comes a vast and wonderful knowledge of British tv shows and movies.   She has great taste!

And 10. (Because I hate to end on an odd number): My daughter Abby is totally CONVINCED that Desiree is her dear friend too.  Caedmon calls Des "Auntie".  Abby calls her "Friend".  And that is because Des ALWAYS includes Abby into the conversation as an equal.  Des, thank you for making Abby important as well.  You know that means the world to me! 

I've always heard the saying: "Be careful of the company you keep."  It's true, friendships mold us.  I'm so thankful to share a friendship with Desiree because she helps me go deeper in my relationship with Jesus.  She encourages me to keep going when I'm ready to quit.  She helps me see the good in others.  I am a better person for having known her! 

Happy Birthday, my friend!

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