Lamentations 3:21-24

" But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The LORD is my portion' says my soul. 'Therefore, I will hope in him.'" Lamentations 3:21-24

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good Gifts - A Lesson in Prayer

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him."  Matthew 7:11 NIV

I love when God takes an everyday experience and teaches me something new and deep about Himself, especially when it comes through one of my kids.

Two weeks ago, we were invited to a birthday party of one of our very dear little friends.  I took the kids to pick out a special present for our 2 year old little buddy.  We came home and immediately wrapped the gift in a pretty little bag with yellow fluffy paper.  And then it sat in our kitchen for a week, waiting for the birthday girl to tear into it.

And it tormented my son.  Even though he knew what was in it, he wanted to open it.  He wanted it to be HIS birthday because he wanted to open that present. Everyday he asked me for a present and wanted to know if it was his birthday yet.

One morning, he came into my bed while it was still dark.  He snuggled up next to me, and continued his normal morning routine.  He kissed my arm, patted my face and said, "I loves you, Mommy, all the way to the woof [roof]" but then he added, "I want a present!" 

I was a little annoyed...the sun wasn't even shining yet and he was already demanding a present and was less than happy when I told him that he had to wait for his own birthday.  But then almost immediately, my mind began to make a list of things I wanted to give him for his birthday.  I know him.  I know what he likes. I know what he needs. I know what he will enjoy and play with for weeks following his own special day. I know that he will appreciate his gifts far more on his birthday than if I just gave into every whim for a present. And I know that the brightly colored gift sitting in the kitchen was fueling his perceived need for gifts.

But I also know (all too well)  that desire to get a special gift, a present to fill that need of feeling special particularly when you see others around you getting gifts.

In fact, later that morning, without a thought to my previous conversation with Caedmon, I began to journal a prayer to God.  It was all about some pretty big needs we have in our family right now.  And I wrote to Him about the many, many times I have come to Him and asked Him for these things.  And I complained about how I had viewed at least 3 other people on Facebook who had received the "present" that I have been asking for. And I informed God that he hasn't given me mine yet.

Sound like a 2 year old, desperately wanting to open a beautiful, brightly colored present in the kitchen? did to me too.  And I stopped my writing. And I began to cry.

I remembered Matthew 7:11. If I know how to give good gifts to my children, even in my sinful state, then how much more my perfect heavenly Father knows how to give good gifts.  My Father knows me. He knows what I like. He knows what I need. He knows the jealousy in my heart over others' gifts.  He knows the importance of a well-timed gift.  He already knows how and when He is going to provide for me.  And just as Caedmon must wait and trust me and my timing, so, too must I trust my Father and His timing. 

I've noticed that my prayers have changed since that morning.  While not perfect in my patience, I have a much more thankful and less fretful disposition as I wait for the things God has for me. I have a peace.  He knows my needs. His timing is perfect. And I trust Him.


  1. Beautifully written Debbie! I love your heart! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks for sharing. Such a well put reminder.

  3. Thanks for this! Good, timely words.

    1. Thank you Marissa! Definitely a lesson close to my heart right now!


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