Lamentations 3:21-24

" But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The LORD is my portion' says my soul. 'Therefore, I will hope in him.'" Lamentations 3:21-24

Friday, February 27, 2015

100 Day Party with Doctor Who!

It seems like just yesterday that I planned our 100 Day Party for Abby.  How is it that 100 Days of Kindergarten has finally arrived for Caedmon?  Slow down, my kids.  Slow down!

Caedmon and my husband are slightly obsessed with Doctor what better way to celebrate 100 Days of School than with a Time Lord? :)

Here is how we celebrated our 100th Day of School.  (Abby is so excited to be the oldest because, as she stated, "I get to do the 100th day of Kindergarten 2 more times!")

100 Day Pancakes!

The Kindergarten boy version!

The 2nd grade girl version

The 2 year old "I ate all of my chocolate chips instead of decorating my pancakes" version

Filling in the 100th day of on the chart!

I love seeing the progress.  He hated even holding a pencil at the beginning of the year.  Such improvement!
They have been collecting one Lego a day, building up to a surprise Lego set at the end.

My favorite part was watching what they built all along the way before they even had instructions.
The TARDIS from Doctor Who. My husband made this from a large refrigerator box from Lowe's, 3 blue plastic table cloths, printed up details from the internet, and 2 wall mounted night lights from Wal-mart.  Total project was less than $10! Then we filled it with 100 balloons!

Yep.  My 5 year old is dressed as the Doctor (complete with bow-tie) and is pointing his Sonic Screwdriver at me.
There was a lot of screaming, jumping, and excitement when they walked into the living room to find a balloon-filled TARDIS!

Math included sorting and counting the balloons by color.  First, though, they predicted which color would be the most abundant.  They both predicted red.


They then created a bar graph of the colors.

And red won!  This was a great exercise in regrouping for my 2nd grader as I had her add all the numbers to double check that we had 100.  We were originally missing 3 colors, so we had to go back and recount them. (That was not a popular idea, but the OCD in my could not rest without knowing for sure!)  

We had such a fun day and made many wonderful memories!


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